Jenna Smith Coaching

Brainspotting For Athletes

Get Your Head In The Game

Are you a teen or college athlete eager to reach your peak performance?

Are you feeling stuck and struggling with mental barriers?

I offer sports performance coaching to teen and college athletes utilizing a technique known as Brainspotting. BSP is an innovative and highly effective method designed to enhance athletic performance by tapping into the mind's deepest potential. 

Developed from the principles of psychotherapy, Brainspotting is a somatic therapy that focuses on identifying, processing, and releasing mental and emotional blocks that can hinder peak performance. 

By pinpointing specific eye positions that correlate with unresolved traumas or performance issues, athletes can overcome mental barriers, reduce anxiety, and achieve a heightened state of focus and resilience. 

Whether you're an athlete or an aspiring competitor, sports performance Brainspotting offers a powerful yet gentle tool to unlock your full potential and gain a competitive edge.